Thursday, May 7, 2009

About Arctic Hare

The Arctic Hare (Lepus arcticus) is a hare which is largely adapted to polar and mountainous habitats. It was once considered a subspecies of the Mountain Hare, but it is now regarded as a separate species.

It is distributed over the tundra regions of Greenland and the northernmost parts of Canada as well as Alaska. In the far north, the hare becomes white during the winter to blend with the snow, similar to the ptarmigan and turns a gray-brown color during the summer months to blend with the mud and rock.

It is an average of 55–70 cm (22–28 in) long, and it weighs about 4–5.5 kg (9–12 lb). It has small ears to reduce its surface area to volume ratio.

The Arctic Hare mainly eats woody plants. It eats buds, berries, leaves and grass.[3] It has a keen sense of smell and may dig for willow twigs under the snow.

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