Arnab or in English known as the Rabbit is the kind of dainty small mammals. Is the scientific name of rabbit Oryctolagus spp.
Rabbit object is a living from natural animal filum kordata in the classroom in order lagomorpha mammals. Rabbit is maun animal is the main food plants. The distinction between the rabbit is a rabbit with the mouse has two cutting teeth (incisors) part maxilla. Structure of rabbit skull is lighter, has a hole shaped hole aft nose, and tails that short and rounded.
Rabbit often be hunted by animal carnivore, by the rabbit has advantages multiply quickly. As the animal mammals, warm-blooded rabbit, flourish with the birth of children. Rabbit and keep feeding the child.
Rabbit ears that have long acted as penyisih Haba, and also hearing a strong sense to help rabbit scan enemy. In addition, to escape from the animal carnivore, rabbit able to move with the rate jump. rabbit be found in the various regions and climates, from the tundra, a simple temperature, tropics, and also in the wilderness.
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